Month: <span>August 2021</span>

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Real options theory- definition and meaning

Real options theory, a modern theory that explains how to make strategic investment decisions when the future is uncertain, is called real options theory. Real options theory draws parallels to the valuation methods of financial options and the real economy. This theory is a…

Speculative Investment- Explanation and example

A Speculative Investment is considered high risk, where the buyer is focused on price fluctuations. To profit from market liquidity price fluctuations, the investor purchases the tradable product (financial instrument). Someone who makes speculative investments is called a “speculative investor” or a Speculator. The…

Marketing Principles – Definitions and examples

For a successful marketing strategy, companies must agree on marketing principles. They are the foundation upon which we build product promotion strategies. The marketing principles can be used to promote products or services. The following may be used by some companies 4Ps Strategy (or 4P…

Global Interdependence- overiew

Global interdependence refers to the worldwide mutual dependence of countries. This is also called mutual dependence on a worldwide level. A country is dependent on another for something. Another country depends on it for the same thing or another. Global interdependence develops as more…

Offshore Fund- Examples, advantages and disadvantages

An offshore fund is any fund, such as a mutual fund located in an offshore financial center. An Offshore fund is usually a collective investment scheme domiciled In an Offshore jurisdiction. You might also like the term “Offshore company”. The term “offshore” is descriptive…

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