Month: <span>September 2021</span>

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why do tech startups fail

Major Reasons, Why Does Tech Startups Fail? What is the single most common reason why a startup fails? What happens when startup fails?” These are common questions among small business owners. When we talk of failures in a startup, it is clear that it…

Principles of Innovations

Paul A. Drucker, the author of Principles of Innovation, defined the principles of innovation as those that make it possible to create and realize positive changes for the better. These might change in a business or society at large. In principle, Paul A. Drucker…

Why is innovation Important

In an ever changing world. If you don’t innovate, then you will be left behind. Companies that don’t innovate run the risk of Low profit margins. Reduced morale & employee turnover. The real question then becomes, how can you bring economic growth, creativity and…

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