Author: Khalil Halilu

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Ethical Considerations in Tech Entrepreneurship: Striking the Right Balance

In today’s rapidly evolving tech landscape, entrepreneurs wield immense power to shape society through innovation. However, with great power comes great responsibility. Ethical considerations in tech entrepreneurship are paramount, as the products and services developed can have profound impacts on individuals, communities, and the…

Navigating Funding Options for Your Tech Startup in Nigeria: A Comprehensive Overview

Nigeria has emerged as one of Africa’s leading hubs for tech startups, driven by a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem and a growing pool of innovative minds. However, one of the biggest challenges facing tech entrepreneurs in Nigeria is securing funding to turn their ideas into…

Building the new NASENI

The Journey So Far, And What Lies Ahead: By Khalil S. Halilu Six months ago, I was appointed by President Tinubu as the Executive Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the National Agency for Science and Engineering Infrastructure (NASENI), the agency of the…

Strategic Networking in the Tech Industry:

Evolution in the tech industry requires more than just technical skills; it demands a strategic approach to building connections and fostering professional relationships. In a landscape where innovation thrives on collaboration, strategic networking becomes a cornerstone for success. This guide aims to provide practical…

Unveiling the True Essence of Success

Welcome to a discourse that endeavors to Unveil the essence of success, revealing the profound tapestry woven by individual experiences, resilience, and the profound human elements that infuse life into the pursuit of triumph. Setting the Stage: As we stand at the threshold of…