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Economic Analysis- an overview

Economic evaluation entails analyzing or examining issues or topics from an economist’s view. For example, fiscal analysis is the analysis of financial systems. It might also be a study of a manufacturing process or a business. The research aims to ascertain how efficiently the…

Nigerian Entrepreneurs Success Story

None of these successful entrepreneurs ever knew they would be this successful even in their wildest dreams but they worked twice as hard as the best workers in the industry. We are showing their story to remind us that impossibility is not a word…

Global Strategy- meaning and examples

In developing a global strategy, it’s helpful to differentiate between three kinds of international growth that arise from an organization’s resources, capacities and current international position. If the organization is still focused mainly on its home markets, its strategies outside its home markets can…

Economic Analysis

Economic evaluation entails analyzing or examining issues or topics from an economist’s view. For example, fiscal analysis is the analysis of financial systems. It might also be a study of a manufacturing process or a business. The research aims to ascertain how efficiently the…

The Strategic Use Of Different Marketing Channel Affects

A lot of people are confused about the strategic use of different marketing channels to increase sales. This is one of the most important things that you should know when it comes to Internet marketing. If you want to get a lot of money…

How to be a quick thinker

15 WAYS TO FASTER, MORE EFFICIENT THINKING The best ways to train ourselves to be faster thinkers would be to operate on mastering the craft of thought. Fortunately, you can practice being a quick thinker. To be faster thinkers, we have to focus on…

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