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Building the new NASENI

The Journey So Far, And What Lies Ahead: By Khalil S. Halilu Six months ago, I was appointed by President Tinubu as the Executive Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the National Agency for Science and Engineering Infrastructure (NASENI), the agency of the…

Strategic Networking in the Tech Industry:

Evolution in the tech industry requires more than just technical skills; it demands a strategic approach to building connections and fostering professional relationships. In a landscape where innovation thrives on collaboration, strategic networking becomes a cornerstone for success. This guide aims to provide practical…

Unveiling the True Essence of Success

Welcome to a discourse that endeavors to Unveil the essence of success, revealing the profound tapestry woven by individual experiences, resilience, and the profound human elements that infuse life into the pursuit of triumph. Setting the Stage: As we stand at the threshold of…

Navigating the Tech Entrepreneurial Landscape: A Guide to Success.

Embarking on the journey of tech entrepreneurship is an exciting yet challenging endeavor. In a landscape that evolves at a rapid pace, success requires more than technical proficiency; it demands a strategic mindset, resilience in the face of failure, and a commitment to constant…

The Importance of Continuous Learning in Entrepreneurship.

In the vast world of entrepreneurship, change is constant and innovation is key, the significance of continuous learning cannot be overstated. Entrepreneurs, like lifelong students, must adapt, evolve, and acquire new skills to navigate the challenges of the business world. This blog delves into…

Team Building for Startups.

Teams are at the heart of any organization. Like they say “Team work makes the dream work”. According to statistics, The wrong team is the third highest reason for startup failure. Building a supportive and innovative team is vital to the success of any…

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