Author: Khalil Halilu

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How to protect yourself form being hacked

How to protect yourself form being hacked What was the last place you went to that offered Wi-Fi? Today, virtually every cafe, airport, library, or hotel has the means to connect to the internet via your phone or mobile device. The information stored on…

App Permissions And Security Explained

App Permissions And Security Explained Android app permissions allow apps to access your phone, camera, microphone, private messaging, conversations, photos and more. App permission requests pop up the first time an app needs access to sensitive hardware or data on your phone or tablet…

should we be scared of Artificial Intelligence”AI”?

Every day, artificial Intelligence (AI), is encountered. AI refers to computer systems that can perform tasks normally performed by human intelligence. AI determines which top results you will see when you search for something online. An AI algorithm will also determine recommendations from streaming…

Explaining Hashtags for businesses

Explaining Hashtags for businesses Whatever social media platform your brand uses in its social-media strategy, learning how to use hashtags can help increase brand engagement and reach. If you aren’t happy with your #ThrowbackThursday tweets and don’t know how to use hashtags in other…

What the Future of Nano Technology holds

Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (otherwise called STEM) are playing a huge part in our lives today. It is impossible to imagine what our lives would be if, STEM had not been a component of it. One of the most important products of STEM…

Job vs Business

Job Vs Business Every person who conducts personal development research has a tendency to conclude that businesses are always superior to jobs. A job is a sign that somebody employs us. If you decide on working, you have to be answerable to the boss….

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