Objective evidence-Definition and examples

July 26, 2021

Objective evidence is evidence that is based on proven facts. We can also verify facts through measurement, analysis, observation. It is possible to examine and evaluate objective evidence. It is the same as “compelling evidence,” and it is evidence sufficient.

Subjective evidence

A subjective view refers to a person’s thoughts, opinions, beliefs, discoveries, and desires. It doesn’t care about right or wrong. The only thing that matters is the individual’s opinion on what is right and wrong. Subjective writing, or point of view, is also based on the writer’s observation and experiences. It is based on the writer’s viewpoint and does not reflect the facts or experiences of others.

It is possible to have subjective third-person points of view. This is called “limited Omniscience,” which allows a writer to know every detail about a character and then see the entire story through their eyes.

Objective vs. subjective evidence

Subjective evidence is evidence we can’t evaluate. We have two options: accept or reject what someone says.

Imagine Peter telling his doctor that he has been having terrible nightmares. The doctor must decide if he believes or denies what Peter said. There is no evidence to support what he claimed.

Subjective evidence is the only way to prove Peter’s nightmares exist.

Objective evidence can evaluate and examine the evidence for ourselves.

Let’s say His doctor is videotaping peter while he’s sleeping. The next day, the doctor inspects the recording.

Peter is seen in the video screaming, tossing around, and turning in his sleep. Peter is scared and sweaty when he wakes up at night.

The objective evidence means that the doctor must believe Peter. Also, the evidence is convincing because there is compelling evidence which is evidence sufficient.

Examples of Objective evidence in a sentence


Obvious evidence of financial assets and accounting entry being impaired may include default by a debtor, restructuring an amount by Foundation on terms the Foundation would consider other, indications that a lender or issuer will go bankrupt or the disappearance or reorganization of an active security market.

Obvious evidence of financial assets being impaired may include default by a debtor or other data that indicates adverse changes to the debtor’s payment status.

Obtained objective evidence of impairment is primarily based on:

*Late payment of principal and interest;
*Breach or violation of loan covenants;
*Initiation to the bankruptcy proceeding.

Obvious evidence of financial assets being impaired is default or delinquency of a debtor, restructuring an amount due to the Company on terms the Company would consider otherwise, indications of debtors or issuers going bankrupt, adverse changes to the payment status of borrowers and issuers, and economic conditions that correlate or lead to defaults or the disappearance or reorganization of an active security market.

Objective vs. Subjective Reality

One famous thought experiment asks the question: If a tree falls into a forest, and no one can hear it, will it make a sound? This scenario assumes that the tree fell in the woods and made the sound. It doesn’t depend on the existence of an observer to see the event. Philosophers believe that reality is perceived through our limited and flawed senses. There is no objective reality we can perceive, and all reality is subjective. Reality can be described as a social construct. It is the common denominator between subjective experiences and perceptions that make up our reality.

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